Clinical Massage Therapy

HECM clinical massage therapy offers integrative care to boost your self-care effort and supplement your medical care.

We work with individuals looking for advanced massage work, such as craniosacral therapy, Lymphatic drainage, and deep-tissue massage, to support your nutrition effort in reducing inflammation, autoimmune conditions, tissue tightness, and fertility treatment. 

Deep Tissue Massage

Add-On: 30-Minute Massage
Add 30 minutes of deep tissue massage to your specialized bodywork session.

Specialized Bodywork

Craniosacral Therapy

How do you want relief from nerve pain? Naturally?

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is best for releasing head tension, such as headaches, migraines, concussions, and head and neck tightness after any head and spine surgery. I am a certified biodynamic craniosacral therapist in Falls Church.

Fertility Massage

90-Minute Pamper Mama-To-Be Fertility Massage

Introducing a one-of-a-kind massage for mama-to-be (MTB). This special massage has one purpose:  increasing your chances of having a beautiful and healthy baby. 

Our fertility massages are comprehensive, addressing hormonal imbalances, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, and more.

Have you had past surgery? Pelvic Congestion, and fibroids? Our massage provides you with a complete solution.
It is only available as a package session.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

60-Minute Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Inflammation Release Massage:

A unique lymphatic drainage release massage to reduce tissue swelling or inflammation in joints. Schedule your session now.

Myofascial Release Therapy

60-Minute Session Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial release therapy is bodywork specifically designed to address fascial restriction and increase freedom of movement. Get your specialized Connective tissue release therapy in Falls Church.

Advanced Massage

60-Minute Sport Massage/Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy (MAT)

MAT is an advanced sports massage with a unique way of deep tissue release for connective tissues - joint, muscle, and fascial without the usual deep tissue pain.

It's highly effective for people suffering from mild or chronic back pain, neck pain, tendonitis, or tendinosis.

Oncology Massage

60-Minute Oncology Massage Session
Oncology massage is a specialized gentle massage that is focused on the improvement in your sleep quality and nausea, increasing energy levels with fewer side effects from the treatment, and improving wellness.

Therapeutic Reflexology

60-Minute Therapeutic Reflexology

Therapeutic Reflexology is a unique bodywork that combines reflexology with the concept of 'body release, 'a technique that redirects tension and promotes relaxation, along with hand or cranial reflexology.

If you want the relaxation, privacy, and benefit of a massage without undressing, this is it. Health Essence Clinical Massage (HECM) offers therapeutic reflexology therapy in Falls Church. 


2 - Zone Lipossage Session

Swelling after any surgery sucks!

Lipossage helps ease and reduce tightness, swelling, and pain that result after liposuction or significant surgery, reducing recovery time and proper function in minutes.

A man with his hands on the back of his lower body.