Archive for April 2023
Cholesterol Demystified: The Role of Lipoproteins and the Importance of Healthy Fats
Are you wondering about your elevated cholesterol from your recent lab work? If you are, you are not the only one. We have been told that elevated cholesterol is terrible, with LDL and triglyceride being the worst because they cause plague, which leads to cardiovascular disease. As a result, eat a low-fat diet!Imagine an engineer…
Read MoreBack Pain Relief: 9 Tips You Should Know
By Esi House, LMT, Structural Nutrition Practitioner Back pain can be a body structural issue based on nutritional imbalance. Or it can result from an accident or a fall, whichever the case, read through this article if you are looking for ways to reduce the pain. This article will give you information, tips, and tricks…
Read MoreWhat is inflammation and why should I know about it?
What is inflammation and why should I know about it?Functional Nutrition What is brain inflammation? Inflammation in general is commonly referred to as swelling and it is essential to the healing process in the body. A trim level of inflammation in the brain or anywhere else in the body is tolerated. However, when the swelling…
Read MoreBoosting Immunity and Managing Autoimmune Symptoms with Massage
Functional Nutrition, Structural Nutrition News Autoimmune is a condition where the immune system attacks itself which could happen anywhere in the body. Autoimmune conditions are caused by many factors within or outside the body. Experts believe mental, emotional, and physical stress can also contribute to the expression of autoimmune symptoms. An autoimmune response could be…
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