Delve into the world of Integrative Massage and Nutrition

Keeping Your Heart Healthy in a High-Stress Career”

An Essential Guide To Cardio Health - Viral...

Live and Dry Blood Appraisal: Methods and Controversies”

Origins and Development of LBA and DBA in...

Top 10 Foods for Managing Chronic Pain: Connection Between Diet and Fibromyalgia

Waking Up to the Pain of Fibromyalgia I...
A man and woman are doing push ups.

Cholesterol Demystified: The Role of Lipoproteins and the Importance of Healthy Fats

Are you wondering about your elevated cholesterol from...
A man with his hands on the back of his lower abdomen.

Back Pain Relief: 9 Tips You Should Know

By Esi House, LMT, Structural Nutrition Practitioner Back...
A glowing blue brain on top of a wall.

What is inflammation and why should I know about it?

What is inflammation and why should I know...
A woman getting her abdomen worked on by a masseuse.

Boosting Immunity and Managing Autoimmune Symptoms with Massage

Functional Nutrition, Structural Nutrition News Autoimmune is a...